Smell O Vision

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Scent marketing is one of the biggest movers of 2008. Many firms including Scentandrea have been testing the market as more and more people sign up to enhance their brands. Find out more about scent marketing in this FREE REPORT.  

This is taken from an article: “Sept. 17, 2008 | In a German movie theater last month, audience members waiting for the feature wondered why they were seeing people lounging on a beach. After 60 seconds of waves and seagulls, a tag line for Nivea sunscreen appeared, and the scent of Nivea wafted into the theater through the air-conditioning vents.”  CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Scent marketing helps improve brand recognition and awareness in the consumers mind. Scent has also been proven to improve emotions and help encourage decision based on emotion. Many new discoveries are being made everyday in scientific, psychological, marketing and many other studies. For a more detailed overview please see my Smell O Vision report.

P.s I anticipate scent marketing will be huge in the next few years, for more info on figures see my smelly report. Buy Stocks Now!!

For up to date info on scent marketing visit my smell o vision blog or my lens

So I have finally finished my report, Smell-o-Vision: Fact or Virtual Reality.Its totally free for you to download, read and distribute to your friends.

  Feel free to leave comments or ask questions

Please feel free to leave some comments about your thoughts on smell-o-vision. While looking around on the Internet I found alot of people didn’t like the idea of, or see the need for Smell-o-vision. I on the other hand welcome this new technology and look forward to the day I return home tired from work and just sit in front of the TV and relax to soothing sounds and smells.

I think the market for home therapy and other courses is going to be massive………….then again i see how a scented candle and a CD could ultimately give me the same result.

What do you think?…………….. do you like the idea?

It seems the future of entertainment is closer than we all anticipate: smell-o-vision is immanent, the technologies been around for decades, people have tried and failed, finally I think they’ve cracked it….

There are now several devices on the market (only one patent protected), Hundreds of leading content developers, Thousands of avenues to explore and millions of people waiting!

Check out my smell-o-vision report for an insight into this lucrative industry